Understanding Cybercriminals - Layer 8 Toolkit®

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About the course

Title: Understanding Cybercriminals - Layer 8 Toolkit®
This course is for non-security employees within businesses who want to change employee behaviours and create a more secure working environment.
Available in App (IoS and Android) or Web
Easy to digest materials:
o Hacker Diaries: Blackmail – audio
o Video scenario
o Animated analogy
o Quick wins
o What makes hackers tick?
o The optimism bias
6-question end of module test
Automated completion reminder emails
Exception reporting
Upon completion delegates will be able to:
Identify different types of cyber criminals and what motivates them
Understand emotional techniques used by cyber criminals
Techniques you can used to avoid becoming a victim
Duration: 30 minutes
Dates: n/a online (web and App)

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