Scottish veterans to be retrained in cyber skills

Armed forces veterans in Scotland interested in a tech-focused career may be in luck.

A new course is set to take place with the aim of providing Scottish armed forces veterans with cyber security training to allow them to embark on a fresh career.

The penetration testing course will take place at Abertay University in Dundee over eight weeks starting next month, and is open to veterans, service leavers and reservists.

Funding has come from Skills Development Scotland and organisations including IBM. Although registration is currently full, a waiting list can be applied for and it may be that further courses will go ahead should there be enough interest.

Upon completion of the course, candidates will gain academic credits and may sit further professional qualification exams for roles such as penetration testing, ethical hacking and security specialisation.

Digital technology sector manager for Skills Development Scotland Claire Gillespie said: "Military personnel bring a raft of relevant skills ideally suited to cyber roles, and our aim is to build a new pipeline of much-needed talent for the tech sector."

According to a recent report from the organisation, up to 13,000 digital jobs are created in Scotland each year. It may be that many former members of the armed forces are in a perfect position to fill them.