Discover more about Identity and Access Management (IAM) Training | Cyber Security Training Courses

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is one of the hottest areas of cyber security right now. It is very challenging for employers to find candidates with the necessary skills and experience in this field.

A frequently asked question we receive at: is how do you build a career in this field?

The IAM field is defined as follows on the UK Cyber Security Council website. 

“Identity & Access Management is the management of policies, procedures and controls to ensure that only authorised individuals access information or computer-controlled resources”

We have recently added a range of courses from the Identity Management Institute to our site, to help candidates train and get certified in this field. 

The Identity Management Institute offer a range of courses which are all online hosted and priced competitively. They are separated into two categories:

Entry level 

CDP Certified in Data Protection 

CAMS – Certified Access Management Specialist  

Intermediate level

CIMP  Certified Identity Management Professional 

CIAM   - Certified Identity and Access Manager 

These are great starting points for training to become certified in the field of identity and access management. 

Identity Management Institute (IMI)®

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